In the captivating book "Sedna Consciousness," author Alan Clay explores the mysteries of the distant dwarf planet Sedna, situated 8 billion miles away from Earth. Sedna's orbit is vast, spanning 11,406 Earth years, and it lies beyond all other planets in our solar system. Clay believes that Sedna's astrological significance centers around themes of transcendence and spiritual growth. As we delve into this celestial journey, we uncover the potential implications for humanity as Sedna draws nearer to Earth in the 2070s.
Unveiling Sedna's Secrets When a new celestial body is discovered in our solar system, astrologers seek to understand its meaning by examining various factors. Alan Clay offers an overview of his research on Sedna, the outermost planet in our solar system. Drawing parallels between Sedna and other celestial bodies, such as the centaur Pholus and the asteroid Ceres, Clay uncovers connections to growth, illumination, and nurturing aspects. Sedna is an esoteric limit of our solar system, expanding our consciousness and understanding of reality.
The Bigger Picture: Past Cycles To understand Sedna's significance, we look at its past cycles and their correlation with earthly events. Sedna's last close pass to Earth coincided with the end of the Ice Age and the emergence of agriculture in what we call the Neolithic revolution. This transformative period shifted humanity from hunting and gathering to settled agricultural communities, paving the way for civilizations and advanced societies. All of recorded human history occurred in the last six months of Sedna's cycle, underscoring its profound impact on our world.
Sedna's Journey Through the Signs Sedna's movement through the astrological signs offers further insights into its influence on human evolution. Each sign corresponds to distinct historical developments. For instance, Sedna's presence in Libra marked the rise of Sumerian cities and the Bronze Age. Its passage through Scorpio coincided with the flourishing of Ancient Egyptian civilization and their preoccupation with death. In Sagittarius, the Greek Miracle gave rise to early sciences, arts, and democracy. In modern times, Sedna in Aries was associated with World Wars and atomic war threats, while its transit in Taurus focused on money, property, and environmental concerns.
Sedna in Gemini: The Consciousness Revolution As Sedna enters Gemini in 2024, a potential consciousness revolution awaits. Advancements in AI and neural networks may lead to virtual reality and mind-uploading. This phase may herald a spiritual revolution, prompting higher levels of consciousness and profound spiritual growth.
The Myth of Sedna: Embracing Transcendence Sedna's name comes from the Inuit goddess of the sea, believed to live at the ocean's bottom and govern sea mammals, essential for the Inuit's sustenance. According to the myth, Sedna's transformation into a sea goddess stemmed from being thrown into the ocean by her father. She rose to godhood through this transcendence, challenging notions of victimization and emphasizing the path to spiritual growth.
Astrological Meaning of Sedna Clay's research delves into Edgar Cayce, showcasing Sedna's role in combining heredity, evolution, and spiritual development in shaping destiny. Sedna's influence relates to unconscious experiences tied to heredity, leading to painful crises of transcendence and higher consciousness.
Levels of Spiritual Development Sedna's energy operates on different levels of spiritual development. At the unconscious level, it may manifest through victimization and suffering. At the intermediate level, it propels individuals on a spiritual journey to escape density and grief, leading to transcendent crises and growth. At the spiritually evolved level, Sedna guides individuals towards spiritual destiny, transcendence, and higher consciousness.
Conclusion "Sedna Consciousness" delves into the profound power of the dwarf planet Sedna, shaping human evolution from ancient history to the present. As Sedna enters Gemini, the potential consciousness revolution may lead to advancements in AI and intellectual debates. Embracing the myth of Sedna, we transcend limitations and embark on a journey of spiritual growth. Sedna's influence offers profound peace, abundance, and a sense of place within the vast cosmos. By embracing Sedna Consciousness, we embrace the path of transcendence and embrace our spiritual destiny.