This year has unfolded in ways I didn't anticipate, yet such is the essence of being alive. Each of us aspires towards dreams and hopes, and life, in the end, reveals itself in unexpected ways. The beauty lies in the unpredictability of life; for those practicing non-attachment and following a spiritual path, this "daily life matrix" is just a fragment of a much broader reality.
I refer to the genuine world as the matrix because we seem to confine ourselves in this existence. Our profound belief in science often detaches us from divine consciousness, the multi-dimensional universe where "reality" is only limited by our collective imagination.
It saddens me that many choose to live in this limited matrix, subscribing to ideas fed by the media—an agenda reiterated repeatedly. Ancient texts and the mysteries of our existence tell a different story: we are cosmic beings, made of stardust, with boundless potential constrained only by our beliefs.
Believing in the limitless possibilities empowers us as strong creators. I've come to realize that I must believe in my ability to craft more incredible, life-changing moments. My voice and words should contribute to creating more peace in this world. I aim to guide others in discovering their divine spirit, breaking down walls, awakening their hearts, and embracing loving creativity.
The hurdle preventing humans from reaching higher realms is a belief system that portrays us as weak, confined to a single game on this planet—work, make money, achieve status, and seek comfort. Many find themselves in despair because, without a deeper purpose, they aren't creating love, peace, and happiness for themselves or others.
Pam Gregory suggests we face two choices in the coming years—either the spiritual path or the material one. The latter keeps us on the 3D level, where fear and chaos dominate, and suffering prevails. The spiritual path, in my opinion, involves looking inward.
It's crucial to cleanse ourselves from internal darkness, as the energy we carry within shapes the reality we see in the world today.
Get to know yourself
Start to love yourself
Start to listen to yourself
Fill your own cup up with love
Spill out your love to the people you have close to you
Be selfish-meaning choose your wellbeing before everyone else
Leave people behind that doesn´t give you love and cause you to lower your frequency.
Treat yourself not with things but experience.
Do not cary other peoples pain and suffering- instead be the light and shine the light clearly, one day they will look at you and ask for guidance.
Do not be afraid of the sun, -see the sun as your light in the darkness and spend time in the sun as much as possible.
Treat the water in your own body and the water you have around you as the ultimate teacher and most sacred spirit.Learn about meditation, find on that suits you.
And last, the trauma you cary within you, that causes you to suffer or makes you sick, take the time to work with it, or get help from some spiritual teacher that can help you move above trauma, it is most important that we clean ourselves from this energies, because the darkness we cary inside will create the reality we see in the world today.